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MICROSOFTDeveloper Tool

Microsoft Visual Studio Lightswitch 2011
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2499
NameVisual Studio LightSwitch 2011 (x86) - DVD
File Nameen_visual_studio_lightswitch_2011_x86_dvd_681201.iso
Size605,245,440 bytes (577.2 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch is an IDE specifically tailored for creating line-of-business applications built on existing .NET technologies and Microsoft platforms. The applications produced are architecturally 3-tier: the user interface runs on Microsoft Silverlight; the logic and data-access tier is built on WCF RIA Services and Entity Framework, hosted in ASP.NET; and the primary data storage supports Microsoft SQL Server Express, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Azure. LightSwitch also supports other data sources including Microsoft SharePoint. LightSwitch includes graphical designers for designing entities and entity relationships, entity queries, and UI screens. Business logic may be written in either Visual Basic or Visual C#. The tool can be installed as a stand-alone SKU or as an integrated add-in to Visual Studio 2010 Professional and higher.

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