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PC GAMESStrategy

Disciples - Sacred Lands (1999)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 462
NameDisciples - Sacred Lands (1999)
File NameDISCIPLES.iso
Size665,475,072 bytes (634.6 MB)
Product Description

Disciples: Sacred Lands is a turn-based PC strategy game, set in a fantasy world known as the Sacred Lands, it was a battle for dominance between four races of the world of Nevendaar: The Empire (humans), the Mountain Clans (dwarves) the Legions of the Damned (demons), and the Undead Hordes (undead). The game have many similarities between Heroes of Might And Magic series; like having a leader, creature slots, city improvements, adventure map with resources and hostile creatures along with the turn-based gameplay.
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