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DVD/VCDConcerts & Music

Suzanne Vega - Close-Up Series (2013)(DVD)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 3200
NameSuzanne Vega - Close-Up Series (Live & Backstage at City Winery)
Run Time50 min
Size3,031,785,472 bytes (2.82 GB)
Product Description

The DVD of Suzanne’s Close-Up show at City Winery in New York City, has live acoustic versions of some of your favorite songs as well as some songs you have never heard live before. The DVD also features a backstage interview and some behind the scenes footage of rehearsal for the show.


01. Introduction from Suzanne
02. Tom's Diner
03. Interview
04. Rock In This Pocket
05. Interview
06. Gypsy
07. Interview
08. Solitude Standing
09. Interview
10. Room Off The Street
11. Interview
12. Silver Lady
13. Interview
14. Daddy Is White
15. Interview
16. Penitent
17. Interview
18. Luka
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