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Konami - International Superstar Soccer 3 (2CD)(2003)

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 6
NameKonami - International Superstar Soccer 3 (CD1)(2003)
File NameCD1.iso
Size681,428,992 bytes (649.8 MB)
NameKonami - International Superstar Soccer 3 (CD1)(2003)
File NameCD2.iso
Size648,847,360 bytes (618.7 MB)
Product Description

This is the last installment to the discontinued Konami's ISS series, the arcade-oriented brother of the PES/WE saga. In ISS 3 you can choose from Friendly mode, International Cup, Custom League, World League, or Training mode, where you will take part with the best national teams. You will also count with a points system, where for every match you win you will accumulate points that later can be given away in exchange for extra moves, extra modes, or stadiums. There's also a Mission mode, which is quite similar to the Scenario mode previously seen in the earlier ISS games. The game itself has many arcade components, as the possibility to execute spectacular dribblings adorned with flashes and lights or the fact that you can't usually make poor directed shots. The players will also look like their counterparts in real life.
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