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Microsoft Jumpstart 4 for Windows Media Technologies 4.0
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 575
NameMicrosoft Jumpstart 4 for Windows Media Technologies 4.0
File NameCD_ROM.iso
Size644,341,760 bytes (614.4 MB)
Product Description

With Microsoft Windows Media Technologies you can create, deliver, and play streaming media files for applications from news and entertainment to e-commerce and corporate training. The components of the Windows Media Technologies include the Windows Media Tools, Windows Media Services streaming server, and Windows Media Player. These provide an end-to-end solution for streaming multimedia, from content authoring to delivery to playback.

Use this CD to introduce yourself to the amazing innovations we have made across the board in our player, tools, and server in Windows Media Technologies 4.0. See firsthand how streaming media can inform, excite, teach and motivate people. Whether you want to draw visitors to your Web site, train your employees, or produce high-powered multimedia, this CD shows you examples of the end result and provides all the tools and information you need to start producing your own streaming content today.

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