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PC GAMESShooting

Medal of Honor (Limited Edition)(DVD)(2010)
 $ 9.9 
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Product Details
Views: 872
NameMedal of Honor (Limited Edition)(DVD)(2010)
File NameMedal of Honor.iso
Size7,686,324,224 bytes (7.15 GB)
Product Description

Medal of Honor is reused in this modern installment of the long running series of the same name. For the first time, the series leaves the Second World War. This time, the portrayed conflict is the war in Afghanistan conducted by the NATO forces against the Taliban army of that country, a war that was still on at the time the game was released.

This Limited Edition includes:
Exclusive access to the MP7 submachine gun
Day-one access to the TOZ-194 and 870MC2 shotguns
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