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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter 2 (DVD)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 965
NameTom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter 2 (DVD)
File NameGRAW2_INST.iso
Size3,592,781,824 bytes (3.34 GB)
Product Description

Not even a day has fully passed since you rescued the US president from Mexican soil and you and the rest of your Ghost team are on the way home. Then the General phones in and gives you your next mission: a group of terrorists deposited two dirty bombs (normal blasting compositions combined with radioactive material) near the city of Juarez. Your goal as Captain Mitchell is to once again save the day with your three team mates.

Like in the predecessor Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter you control Captain Mitchell and see everything through his eyes while you command your team mates either directly over the Cross-Com or with the help of the tactical map through the various environments to fulfil your objectives like blowing up a bunch of anti-air-vehicles and then raiding a rebel outpost.

Next to the slightly improved graphics and the additional environments such as the desert or mountains, there are several changes and improvements to the basic gameplay. You can now change the people on your team and choose between different entry points for the next mission. Besides the old checkpoint saving system you can also save whenever you want. Another addition is the possibility to pick up the weapon an enemy dropped, which allows you not only use the typical Ghost weaponry like the good old MR-C but also Mexican fabrics. Fixed weapons scattered throughout the levels like the mounted machine gun complete the new set of weapons.

Both the AI of your team mates and of your enemy has been improved significantly and you can give your squad four new orders and set two different rules of engagement in order to make the game even more tactical. Switching to the view of the team mate now shows exactly what he sees instead of the grid wire view from the original.
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