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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter (2006)(DVD)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 851
NameTom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter (2006)(DVD)
LanguagesEnglish, French, German, Italian, Spanish
File NameGRAW.iso
Size2,670,559,232 bytes (2.48 GB)
Product Description

The year is 2013 and you play as Captain Mitchell, commander of a Ghost Recon team, on a mission in Mexico City where rebels are attempting a coup, putting Mexico and the USA in danger.

To deal with the different situations you have to face, taking out AA-guns or defending injured personnel until the rescue team arrives, you do not only have access to top-notch weapons like the different versions of the MR-C, but also to futuristic equipment like a drone that flies over the battlefield to spot enemy units.

The PC version was developed almost independently from the Xbox 360 version, so there are notable differences between the two. The most important changes can be found in the Cross-com design. It is split into 3 parts: the support list, the video feedback and the order system. The support list is always displayed on your HUD and allows you to see all units at your disposal at all time. Through the order system, you can give them commands on the fly. The video feedback section allows you to see through the eyes of one of your team members, but unlike the Xbox 360 version, you only see rough shapes of the environment. To see it in its full glory, you have to link yourself completely into the video feed, which then obstructs your own view.

The tactical map allows you to see a satellite feed of the mission area and provides micromanagement for your team by setting waypoints for each team member and deciding when to execute them. You can also spot enemies early when they are on open ground, to better plan your attack route.
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