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PC GAMESSimulation

Black & White + Creature Isle (Crack)(2001)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 945
NameBlack & White (2001)
File NameBNW.iso
Size679,225,344 bytes (647.7 MB)
NameBlack & White - Bonus Creatures CD - Horse and Leopard (2001)
File NameCreature.iso
Size210,536,448 bytes (200.7 MB)
NameCreature Isle (Expansion Pack)(2001)
File NameBNWCI.iso
Size534,900,736 bytes (510.1 MB)
Product Description

Black & White is a god video game developed by Lionhead Studios and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows in 2001.

Black & White combines elements of artificial life and strategy. The player acts as a god whose goal is to defeat Nemesis, another god who wants to take over the world. A primary theme is the concept of good and evil, with the atmosphere being affected by the player's moral choices. The core gameplay mechanic of Black & White is the interaction between the player and an avatar creature, who carries out the players instructions and whose personality and behaviour change in reaction to how they are treated.
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