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MICROSOFTInteractive Multimedia

Microsoft Multimedia Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring (1993)
 $ 15.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1351
NameMicrosoft Multimedia Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring (1993)
File NameMSSTRAV.bin
Size792,548,736 bytes (755.8 MB)
NameMicrosoft Multimedia Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring (1993)
File NameMSSTRAV.cue
Size256 bytes (256 B)
Product Description

Multimedia Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring is an illustrated, interactive exploration of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. The program offers music, historical and cultural background, and a survey of musical concepts.

Multimedia Stravinsky is divided into nine chapters:

A Word from the Authro: offers a brief introduction to the product by the author, Robert Winter.

Pocket Audio Guide: offers an outline of the entire work and lets you listen to any or all of its parts.

Stravinsky's World: explores Stravinsky's life and times.

The Rite as Dance: delves into the original scenario and choreography.

Rite Listening: reveals the music's inner workings.

A Close Reading: offers a running commentary on the music as you listen to it. You can stop and start the music whenever you like.

Bibliography: provides a bibliography of writings on Stravinsky, on his music, and on The Rite of Spring.

The Rite Game: challenges your knowledge of the product.

Multimedia Stravinsky also offers:

Ride Glossary, which defines and provides pronunciations for many of the terms used in Multimedia Stravinsky.

The Find feature, which you can use to search for specific words.

The Copy command, which you can use to copy text.
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