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Collier's Encyclopedia - Unabridged Text Version
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1065
NameCollier's Encyclopedia - Unabridged Text Version
File NameCOLLIER.iso
Size194,574,336 bytes (185.5 MB)
Product Description

It can only run on Window 32/95/98/ME

Collier's Encyclopedia (full title: Collier's Encyclopedia with Bibliography and Index) is a discontinued United States-based general encyclopedia published by Crowell, Collier and Macmillan. Self-described in its preface as "a scholarly, systematic, continuously revised summary of the knowledge that is most significant to mankind", it was long considered one of the three major contemporary English-language general encyclopedias, together with Encyclopedia Americana and Encyclopædia Britannica: the three were sometimes collectively called "the ABCs".
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