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PC GAMESStrategy

Dungeon Keeper 2
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1328
NameDungeon Keeper 2
File NameDK2.iso
Size568,952,832 bytes (542.5 MB)
Product Description

DirectDraw acceleration should be "Disabled" when running on Windows XP

Select Windows XP Compatibility Mode when running on Windows 7 or later

Dungeon Keeper 2 is a strategy game developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1999 for Microsoft Windows. The sequel to Dungeon Keeper, the player takes the role of a 'dungeon keeper', building and defending an underground dungeon from the would-be heroes that invade it, as well as from other keepers. In the campaign mode, the player is charged with recovering the portal gems from each area in order to open a portal to the surface. The player can also construct a dungeon without strict objectives, and multiplayer is supported over a network.

The game carries over many ideas from the original and adds new elements including units, rooms, and objectives. Development was carried out by a team of around fifty people, who focused on the graphics on multiplayer. Dungeon Keeper 2 received positive reviews: reviewers lauded the graphics and artificial intelligence, although some reviewers criticized its similarity to the original.
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