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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

Lost Horizon (2010)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 284
NameLost Horizon (2010)
File NameLostHorizon.iso
Size3,886,708,736 bytes (3.61 GB)
Product Description

Fenton Paddock is a dismissed officer of the British Army in 1936. Now spending his life as an airborne freight forwarder in Hongkong, specializing in smuggling and rather dubious assignments, he stumbles into an adventure of unforeseen dimensions. Initially searching for a friend missing on an expedition in Tibet he travels through three continents and encounters ancient mythologies. On his way, he must fight the Triads, the Nazis, and his own past. Paddock gets help from an old friend Kim Wuang who is a niece of a former employee of our hero.

Most of the time the player has to control Paddock to solve puzzles of variable design, but sometimes multiple characters at a time have to be taken care of. The puzzles include collecting items to apply or combine, machine puzzles, and dialogues. The right mouse button is used to inspect items and to skip dialogues or movie sequences. The left one is responsible for all other interactions. The game provides a hot spot function and a help system that offers general information on the current tasks. The story is rather linear but sometimes puzzles can be solved in more than one way. Especially machine puzzles typically offer two difficulty levels.
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