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PC GAMESStrategy

War Inc. (BIN+CUE)(DOS)(1997)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 693
NameWar Inc. (DOS)(1997)(BIN)
File NameWarInc.bin
Size629,341,104 bytes (600.1 MB)
NameWar Inc. (DOS)(1997)(CUE)
File NameWarInc.cue
Size401 bytes (401 B)
Product Description

War Inc. is a real time strategy game, featuring tech research for components used to build your own combat units. Set in the future where private security forces have evolved into a corporate world police force, you run the company 'Granite'; one of the leading such mercenary corporations. The game includes a stock market, R&D area, and weapons design interfaces. Build your army to your specification, and dominate the competition.

Game features include:

Office view - access the stock market to buy and sell to make money while you are in-between missions.

Technology research interface - hire scientists to research components used to build you war machines. Categories include, power plant, armor types, weapons, and vehicle chassis.

20 mission single player campaign, and multiplayer support over IPX.
WWW.SHOPLACK.COM (2009 - 2024)