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PC GAMESSimulation

SimCity 2000
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1488
NameSimCity 2000 Special Edition
File NameSC2KSEPC.iso
Size195,446,784 bytes (186.3 MB)
NameSimCity 2000 Collection
File NameSC2KWIN95.iso
Size356,671,488 bytes (340.1 MB)
Product Description

Now you can design any city you can imagine and SimCity 2000 will bring it, and its resident Sims, to life. It has all the features, flexibility, art, animation, and power you need to create an environment of your dreams. Choose from a selection of bonus cities and scenarios to rule or ruin as you please. Build schools, libraries, hospitals, zoos, prisons, power plants, and much more... Lay down roads, railways, and highways. Explore the underground layer and build subways and utilities without compromising your aesthetics. Customize different buildings or design your own graphics sets from scratch.

Special Edition
Choose from hundreds of buildings from the 1900's to the space age and beyond.
Customize the terrain any way you want, from flat prairie land to mountain vistas.
Wrestle with various disaster scenarios, ranging from a UFO invasion in Atlanta to a nuclear meltdown in midtown Manhattan.
Use the Urban Renewal Kit tools to design your own buildings.

1. SimCity 2000
2. Urban Renewal Kit
3. Scenarios Volume 1: Great Disasters
4. Bonus cities and scenarios
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